I have been practicing the Tong-Lin Meditation, the real challenge I am working on is using it when I am really feeling upset and hurt inside when my daughter and I are having problems, and she is very anger and is not respectful of me, any suggestions?
In your situation you need more than the Tong-Lin Meditation, it is important to be able to talk with her at a time that there is openness and peace between the two of you. There needs to be a mutual respect between the two of you. You being the parent, need to cultivate that between the two of you. Use the “Inner Knower” process to get clear on what you would like to say to her, and how you would like to say it to her, this is just as important. If you are still having trouble with this situation in how to work it out, you can set up a session with me.
Posted in: Meditation and Meditation Techniques